martes, 7 de abril de 2009

Myanmar is the first producing country of refugees of the Asian Southeast: at least 400.000 Burmese have fled to the nearby countries, and many of them have remained in the exile during decades.

There are approximately 141.000 refugees of Myanmar in nine fields along the border of Thailand with Myanmar. Of them, 128.516 - the majority belonging to the ethnic group Karen and Karenni - are registered as refugees and others are in expectation of the decision of the Thai Council of Admissions Provincial so that they grant them the official status.


In Bangladesh there are 27.000 refugees in two fields managed by ACNUR; it is a question mostly of Rohingyas, Muslims of the state of Rakhine, in the north of Myanmar. There is close to other 200.000 Rohingyas living between the local population in Bangladesh, and that are not registered officially as refugees.

 In Malaysia the refugees do not live in camps but in the cities, mixed with the local population; ACNUR has registered 29.770 persons belonging to diverse religions and ethnic groups



Colombia and its law 387: a protection to displaced

 Colombia has more than 3 million displaced forced to cause more than 20 years of conflict inmates. And how to ensure the protection, rights and safeguards to the displaced? In this situation the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), the Catholic Church as well as international institutions,began with a proposal that has culminated in the Act 387.

“Olympus Inferno” more than a simple film

lunes, 6 de abril de 2009

“Olympus Inferno” is the name of the Russian film that was on movies theaters since last march, and shows the Georgia war, and has reopened the debate on who started the war.

After months of growing tension, the war began in August of last year when Georgia sent troops to retake the disputed region of South Ossetia. Russia responded with a counterstrike in South Ossetia and moved further into Georgia, a reaction the U.S. called “Disproportionate” at the time. The conflict came to a conclusion by the end of the month with a cease-fire.

This action film was made in the American style trilogies, and tells the story an entomologist and U.S. Russian journalist, who claim to have caught involuntarily evidence that Georgia started the conflict. The story of the film takes place under special lenses that are used to record insects at night.

Trailer of the film.


The European Parliament has approved the report which recommends Member States to prevent the creation of special classes for immigrant children.

With 431 votes in favour, 55 against and 94 abstentions, the plenary of the Parliament approved a report which finds that the formula for the separate classes encourages "the formation of ghettos in schools. “
This measure is to build an integration of linguistic infants. MEPs also reiterate the obligation of parents to learn the language of the host state.
Another of the objectives targeted by this recommendation is to avoid the segregation of children and build greater social cohesion.
However, MEPs consider the importance of preschool education and integration should be facilitated since the earliest stages of life of individuals.
"The sooner and better integrate immigrant children and youth in schools, they will perform better in school".